Re: [mu TECH] Runtime sound driver (DMA16)

From: Miguel Angel ([email protected])
Date: Mon Apr 24 2000 - 22:49:21 CEST

On Mon, 24 Apr 2000, Michele Andreoli <[email protected]> kindly wrote:
> >%_On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 02:11:13AM -0400, Alfie Costa nicely wrote:
> > What happens is the user eventually gets to a
> > setup prompt like:
> >
> > Enter SB_DMA16 [5]>
> >
> > ...and if one hits 'Enter' it stays 5, and if they input a blank, it stays 5
> > too.
> The problem is real, because binpath change some bytes in the body of
> object module, permanently. A solution may be to test SB_DMA16 in,
> and to revert to some default, if is left blank.

I think the driver ignores the DMA16 value if you have a 8 bit soundcard, but
still i had no time to open my computer and plug in my old soundcard ot test

> I noticed another strange problem about IRQ. The Miguel's scripts
> convert irq in octal: for example, irq=9 is converted in irq=10, but
> after some test I noticed this is not really required. I removed
> the AWK row relative to octal conversion, and it work.

Strange, be careful! I used "echo -ne" to do the conversion between numbers and
bytes, and it is documented to convert octal, not decimal. (I think your
example really says irq=9 > irq=11). I think you will have trouble for irq>=10

> I also developed a "sound-probe" script, which try in turn a set of
> IRQs, to help user. Further, removed the sound-7.o module and renamed
> sound-5.o simply sound.o, to make things more clean.


> In attachement there is a new command for muLinux ("poke", 3k), which
> is a binary replacement of Miguel's binpatch. It's syntax is:
> # poke file loc val [ loc val .. loc val ...]
> Does someone remember the POKE function in the Commodore 64?
> This command is not strictly required for Miguel patch but, maybe,
> in the future, it can have some usage.

Really nice!
I'm feeling 14 years younger, sitting in front of my Amstrad CPC464, typing
peeks and pokes in basic again! ;-)))

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