Re: [mu TECH] tcpdump tweak silly newbie question

From: Alfie Costa ([email protected])
Date: Fri Apr 14 2000 - 04:14:19 CEST

On 7 Apr 00, at 11:09, Michele Andreoli <[email protected]> wrote:
> In this example, commands A and B resides in some (unmonted) addon.
> What happens to symlinks if it point a command residing in a umounted
> addons?
> This is a general problem, with a phisa-filesystem-structure like muLinux.
> We wish the GOOD command should win over the FAKE one.
> This is the right behaviour if cmd-good and cmd-fake have the same name
> and PATH variable is set correctly.
> But if names are different (for ex: quark and lynx), I've to use wrapper.

That explains it well and it also works. Someday though, I imagine that there
ought to be a faster general solution to this problem, but fear that such brave
speculations will encourage difficult requests; difficult because right now I
only see it in murky, foggy outlines, a ghost of a program -- a frightening
thought that now demands a hasty 180 degree advance.

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