Re: Update

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 19:15:50 CEST

On Fri, Apr 07, 2000 at 12:12:23PM +0000, Jochen Cichon nicely wrote:
> Sorry,
> a question about Updateing.
> How to update? eg. from version 6.4 to 8.2b?
> So I have installed all Addons on an HD and now I wan't to update them.

Usually, also from an installed muLinux, you can update addons with:

                # setup -f addon-name

The major problem is: 6.4 has no support for newer addons, like
TEX or TCL, and other misconfiguration may arise from BASE floppy.

Another way is to upack the addons in your hardisk:

        # cat XYZ.tgz | bzip2 -ds | (cd / ; tar -xvf -)

and to run by hand the "prolog" file, if any, usually located in
the bin/ directory, starting from mounting point.


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