Re: MU NEWBIE: EXT2 installation just a curiosity???

From: Neo ([email protected])
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 14:58:09 CEST

----- Original Message -----
From: Stephen McLaughry <[email protected]>
To: Mulinux List (E-mail) <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 1:52 PM
Subject: MU NEWBIE: EXT2 installation just a curiosity???

> I have the following setup: Toshiba laptop 486 with 20M memory and
> 200M HD. At the moment I have muLinux on a 180M EXT2 partition (with
> 20M swap partition). However, I've noticed the following sentence in
> the README file: "By the way, if you really have a spare partition
> sufficiently big, why don't you install a true Linux?"
> So, is the 180M partition sufficiently big for a "true Linux"? Also,
> what's so "untrue" about muLinux? Are the significant advantages to
> running, say, RedHat (which I have on another, larger machine)?
Well, I think, that 180 Mega for a "real" or "true" linux is too small. I
have a 3,7 GIGA partition for my "real" linux. muLinux is a "real" linux
like any one else, but it is completly stripped down. It has completly
rewritten parts of programs. The simples example: look at the list of
parameters supported by the program hdparm on mulinux and on your big linux.

> (Perhaps a brief note about my motivation is in order here: my wife
> had this old laptop sitting around gathering dust, because we were
> given a nice new ThinkPad as a wedding gift. I spend my days writing
> banking software in Java, so I thought it would be fun to get my hands
> dirty in a more low-level sort of way. Now I'm beginning to think it
> would be cool to have my own home network, so I can start writing
> cluster-computing applications. So, is muLinux the right choice to
> run on the old computer?)
I don't know anything about cluster-computing, but muLinux is the right
choice to run on old not so fast computers, because the big "SUPER" Linuxes
need to much resources.
> -steve mclaughry
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