Re: muLinux and LinuxJournal

From: dumas patrice ([email protected])
Date: Thu Apr 06 2000 - 17:18:02 CEST

On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Sabino Maggi wrote:

> On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> > Saboino:
> >
> > You are exactly rightand said it well!
> >
> > You describe many of my friends!
> >
> > I will forward your letter to them!
> >
> > Bob Goodwin Durant, Florida, USA
> Please, do not start a flame war!
> Bye

Well, perhaps am I going to start a flame war here, it is not the right
place, as it is a really so cool list, but I will take the defense of the
windowers :

I have the right other view, on how to give linux to anti-linux and pro
windows people : it is not to them to adapt, but rather to linux to become
windows like... Please don't beat me, I really like the linux way, and
mulinux is so good in it, because it's really easy to understand the
system and customize it, but I think that what is good to me isn't for

Well, if your colleague think linux is bad because of the mouse
cursor, there is nothing else to do than to cry of despair, but for some
other people, even for people interrested in linux, the complexity is seen
as a barrier in using a system they think is much reliable, cheaper and
with interresting software (latex for example) within. And I do agree with
them, as I could only become a linux user (and well, a little more...) by
taking a lot of time (and of pleasure) in learning. So I have some friends
that use linux, but for who I am a kind of system administrator, and I
like to do it, but for people having nobody to help them ?

I also think that it isn't a matter of, say graphical vs console point of
view, for example I think that, with little or no enhancement, mulinux, with the
menu and all the muless edited docs could become user friendly
environnement, usable for windows people, providing, for example some
things in the setup are automated (this won't be mu anymore, if there is
only a standard setup ;-/ !). But as soon as there is a need for the
user to read the documentation and to find by himself the solution, it
remains reserved for people that want to play with linux and not really
use it as a tool (is it really bad ? Who knows...).


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