Re: viva il muLinux!

From: Sven Conrad ([email protected])
Date: Thu Apr 06 2000 - 10:56:25 CEST

> I'm very sorry for making this error, Michele! I hope you were not
> offended. It was certainly not my intent to offend you, i am just not
> used to using gender specific words and languages. All I meant to say
> was "Hooray for MuLinux," because it is very impressive to me, I'm
> getting a lot of use out of it and am learning more every day. (although
> obviously I still have much to learn.) Please keep up the great work,
> and i will go back to lurking so i don't disturb the people who know
> what they're talking about any more than I already have. ;)

Uhhhhhhh. Under this condition, who is allowed to talk here?

IMHO this is Linux, and there we(I) don't separate. I don't know what I
am. In this mailinglist I like to share my knolledge as well as learn from
others. Newbys are definitly wellcome by me. That is the POWER of Linux and
it's FUN.
I'am new to this list, but I like it very much, because of the fresh kind
of discussion with room for Off-Topics :-)))
If I recommend someone to read a liddle(shame on me, I did it), it is not
for get rid of questions, but because it is much faster for startup with
complex themes (... and to understand the answers).


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