Re: muLinux and LinuxJournal

From: winsor ([email protected])
Date: Wed Apr 05 2000 - 23:34:32 CEST

From my experiences, most folks start fiddling with Linux out of sheer
curiosity, as a hobby.
 It takes time, imagination, study, and quite a few screw-ups:) before
one can feel comfortable with an "alien beast" such as Linux, but hey
one doesn't progress if one isn't willing to take a chance.
 And those willing to spend the time do have Much to gain.


Sabino Maggi wrote:
> >
> > Torino? Ho abitato a Grugliasco e Borgaro per un periodo quando
> > lavoravo all'Aeritalia. Ma questo e' il famoso Galileo Ferraris
> > di Torino, o non centro nulla con l'orologio atomico?
> >
> > Michele
> > --
> You bet it! However, I do not work on the atomic time stuff, rather on
> low-temperature physics, to be more precise Josephson junctions (oh,
> dear!) and radiation detectors.
> This is clearly and undoubtly off-topic in this mailing list...
> The only justification I have is to report my experience with Linux here
> at IEN. The sad thing is that also in a research institute like this,
> where people should be more open-minded and prone to accept new and better
> technologies, most of my collegues are so windows-sick that they cannot
> even THINK to switch to something different. And so they pass much of
> their time installing and re-installing Win98. Just two days ago I was
> reported that a new PC, that had arrived the day before, had crashed and
> could not be used... (one full day uptime!, can you believe that?) The
> other problem is laziness.

The more I use Linux, the harder Windows becomes to use. Point and click
software is too restrictive and difficult to do anything productive
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