Re: how to install the muLinux into hd

From: Jean Buchet ([email protected])
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 12:20:19 CEST

--- Affa Pan <[email protected]> wrote:
> As title.
> Recently, I want to install the muLinux into my old
> computer.
> Within a 250mb hd, and I want to install muLinux
> into the hd.
> But I want to use the ext2 fs. Has anyone done it?
Yes, I have already done it. It's not very difficult.
All you need is good floppies, as they need to be
1.722mb formatted.
1 - boot with base floppy
2 - configure ext package
3 - use the clone command.

If you already have a ext2 fs and you don't want to
erase it, then you have to
1 - backup your existing file on your hd (never know
what can happen!)
2 - modify the clone shell script ('commentarize' any
mkfs like command lines)
3 - run the script (anf pray in case you forgot to
commentarize a mkfs command)

Have fun!

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