From: Hans-Jürgen Kozik ([email protected])
Date: Sun Apr 02 2000 - 21:43:24 CEST
I am using mulinux 6r4 on a 486-33 with 4MB Ram. I have cloned mulinux
on my harddisk and i am using a swap-partition. I want to use the
machine as gateway with ipmasquerading and i don't know how to configure
two ethernet cards with setup -f eth. I only can configure one card,
eth0. The eth.cnf configuration file doesn't allow me more than one
network card/kernel module. Is there another way (e.g. to execute
automatically insmod and/or ifconfig within the startup sequence)?
Then i also i want that my clients can use ftp, icq and irc. In the
how-to's i found that i need additional kernel modules (e.g.
ip_masq_ftp, ip_masq_raudio) if i want these services. Are these modules
available for mulinux 6r4 and how can i load them?
mfg, Hans-Jürgen
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