Re: [SETUP] Why not?

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 23:15:38 CEST

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 04:29:40PM -0300, Renato nicely wrote:

> >Now you can go in tree/ and change what you whish. Then,
> >
> >you repack all with "mu -r" and start from beginning.
> >
> I tried this a couple of times but I never could repack my personalized stuff inside again. Now I prefer to wait for my good old friend Michele packages.
> renato

You can do better, helping me to improve the thing: what kind of error you
got? Please, do a "mu -h" for help about "Mu" script.

But, basically, the most important care is to keep size under 1.77M.
This is a technological limit :-)

If you wish to add, you must remove. The true programmer add
removing! Take me as example: I removed a lot of exential statements from
such and such good free software. Look in the TeX addon: I substitute
a lot of scripts with something like:



This is the full MU symbol essence, the ultimate flavor of Nothing.



I'm very perturbed to hear "Michelle" is only female name in Brasil.
We have "Michele" and also "Michela", the femal counterpart.
I now may understand the meaning of a lot of strange emails received
in the past from brasilian guys :-)


"Michele" is spelled M-ee-k-ae-l-ae, not "M-ee-sh-ae-l" or similar,
because "ch" in italian is "k".

I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't 
remember any. Would two negative ones do?       -- Woody Allen
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