Re: [mu TECH] pppd (just for phun)

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Sun Mar 19 2000 - 07:07:00 CET

On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 10:54:12PM -0600, winsor nicely wrote:
> just reporting that I've gotten pppd running in dial-in mode.
> If anyones interested, let me know and I'll send all the needed files in
> plain text mode as the body of an e-mail..
> Although not secure in any way, it's pretty cool to provide a close
> friend or two internet access:)
> signed
> winsor

I'm interested. Please, explains step-by-step what you did and I
will provide a script to automatize the setup.

> BTW I've also managed to get thttpd(http deamon) running under muLinux.

About httpd server in muLinux: I can put Boa Web server in MISC: it is
only 60K and work satisfactorily.


I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't 
remember any. Would two negative ones do?       -- Woody Allen
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