Re: [OT] mulinux is also culture

From: Renato ([email protected])
Date: Wed Mar 15 2000 - 16:27:00 CET

On 14/03/00 at 21:05 Gerhard Thimm wrote:

>Renato schrieb:
>> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
>> On 14/03/00 at 15:08 Michele Andreoli wrote:
>> >> Further, I couldn't 'halt' the system correctly (segmentation fault) ...
>> >> and, after switching power off/on and rebooting, mulinux showed
>> >>
>> >> mulinux login: root
>> >> ile rev.2.0.1
>> >>
>> >> S A T O R
>> >> A R E P O
>> >> T E N E T
>> >> O P E R A
>> >> R O T A S
>> >>
>> >
>> >This sentence is easy to explains: Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas;
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>I remember, this is a so called palindrom.
>Letters, words or sentence that reverse are valid, like: "anna" or "eva
>The longest palindrom I know in german is: "EIN NEGER MIT GAZELLE ZAGT
>IM REGEN NIE". Of course, impossible to translate to be a palindrom. But
>perhaps there are some in english?
>Does anyone knows the name of a "square-palindrom", like this above?
>At this point I would like to know the meaning of this latin sentence.
>(What ever said in latin sounds profound! I'm anxious.)
>Ave, Gerhard
Take a look at the interesting english / german location
As a portuguese spoker (that learned latin for 3 years about 35 years ago :-) I'm not sure about the proposed translation. I will investigate more.


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