Re: A few problems + Is this list archived?

From: Unit 4 ([email protected])
Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 09:46:59 CET

On Tue, 7 Mar 2000 13:49:30 +1100, David Gerard wrote:

}I keep trying to get SVGA.tgz out of the /mu/misc/ directory on the various
}websites; but every copy I find says 'Not a valid gzip file' when I try to
}unzip it (in mu gunzip, Debian gunzip or WinZip). Is there a known valid
}copy somewhere? Or is there something simple that I'm doing wrong?

I offered to send a copy to David, and then I thought I'd better check.
My copy was only 64K and corrupted. I'd gotten that with ftp via Opera. It
said the transfer was complete, but obviously it wasn't.

I used a real FTP and was able to get the full 1.2 MB file, and it appears
(to WinZip at least) to be intact. WinZip tries to add files to it rather
than show the contents, but at least it doesn't say there's a lot of bytes
missing. I haven't installed it because I'm still wrestling with mu ti
install on a high numbered hda* drive.

I'd say try an FTP client, or I *can* mail it to you now.

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