Re: [mu SETUP] changing /etc/fstab by hand

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 12:10:48 CET

On Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 04:20:58AM -0500, Alfie Costa nicely wrote:
> After leaving
> the editor, setup itself added a "/setup/fun/" line to /etc/rc.local,
Setup/Local only run rc.local script, if you put it in the "configure" state.
Itself changes nothing to /etc/rc.local. This is up to you.
This (more-or-less) the only Linux-style script muLinux leave up to user.
> Still doesn't load my vfat drive on bootup though. I might add a 'mount -av'
> command in some local autoexec.bat-type file, but that wouldn't be official or
> standard mu, would it?

Put "setup -m fs/vfat" in /etc/rc.local. Then "setup -f local; setup -s".
"mount" isn't for module loading, but for mounting disk partitions.
-a switch means "all", i.e. all disks referenced in /etc/fstab (in our
case nothing).


I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't 
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