Re: [mu WIN98] Win98 Installation

From: Vieira Netto ([email protected])
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 04:25:22 CET

Hi Michele!

For sure win98 setup didn´t like what your dd command made for cloning.

I did this many times, but always creating widows partitions and
formating them using win98 diskette and utilities like fdisk and format.

I am used to create partition,format and copy files using Xcopy or
laplink (better) and setup using win98 setup.

I suggest you to repartitioning and reformating.

But if Clive´s soluction is working, keep cool my friend.
Ciao from Brasil,

[email protected]
Linux User #100.600

Microsoft??? Marca nova de papel Higiênico???

Michele Andreoli escreveu:
> On Sun, Jan 16, 2000 at 11:13:14PM -0200, Vieira Netto nicely wrote:
> > Hello Dear Michele,
> >
> > Now the simplest way to have Widows98 working is to setup all windows.
> >
> > From Widows98 cdrom copy Win98 Dir to HD and from dos8 or inside W98 run
> > setup from Win98 dir. This way you´ll have the correct device drivers
> > and the application migrated from source computer.
> >
> I tried also that: setup.exe start but block without messages.
> The windows "Win98 Installation" appairs, but nothing happens.
> Michele
> --

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