Re: mulinux v7r7b /etc/mtab /proc

From: Vieira Netto ([email protected])
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 02:23:35 CET

Hello World of MuLinux!

My MuLinux v7r7 is crazy!

Ok in setup an first reboot.

On Second reboot appears msgs like Clive Wright said and asks for Serial
port setup and also printer setup and nothing works.

Sorry, only problems, but many hopes.

Ciao from Brazil,

[email protected]
Linux User #100.600

Microsoft??? Marca nova de papel Higiênico???

Clive Wright escreveu:
> Michele,
> Your fix to /etc/rc.4 does not appear to have solved the /etc/mtab
> problem.
> True the file has stopped growing in size, but it reports /proc as being
> mounted when it is not.
> I recently cloned mu v7r7b to a dos partition. It worked correctly
> following the first reboot but then:
> cat: /proc/version: No such file or directory
> Setting up server: unwanted
> cat: /proc/version: No such file or directory
> Setting up lpd: unwanted
> cat: /proc/version: No such file or directory
> Setting up diald: unwanted
> cat: /proc/version: No such file or directory
> Setting up crond: unwanted
> cat: /proc/version: No such file or directory
> Setting up ssh: unwanted
> cat: /proc/version: No such file or directory
> Setting up svga: configure
> cat: /proc/version: No such file or directory
> Setting up xvnc: configure
> cat: /proc/version: No such file or directory
> Setting up scsi: unwanted
> That is just a sample of the reports it gave during subsequent startups.
> Listing /proc shows it is empty. Mount and cat /etc/mtab show it is
> mounted.
> Before running loadlin, type \linux\etc\mtab displays:
> /proc /proc proc rw 0 0
> /dev/hda1 / umsdos rw 0 0
> none /proc proc rw 0 0
> Any suggestions??
> Clive

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