[mu SETUP] How to create a fast boot disk (was: lilo.conf)

From: Karl-Heinz Zimmer ([email protected])
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 09:15:15 CET

On 11.01.00, 02:11:37, Robert Heezeman wrote:

> Where is lilo.conf I am running EXT2 from HDD

Unfortunately there is *no* lilo in muLinux at all. :-(

You could try the following (if you like to):

a) Download the 4 little files to be found on

b) Take a new, formatted floppy disk and insert
   it into the drive without(!!) mounting it.

c) Copy the muLoadS0.raw (that's a slightly modified
   boot loader of my old debian security disk) to the
   very first sector of the floppy disk:

   dd if=/muLoadS0.raw of=/dev/fd0 count=1

d) Now(!!) mount the floppy.

e) Copy the three other files to the floppy.

      cp ldlinux.sys /mnt/floppy
      cp message.txt /mnt/floppy
      cp syslinux.cfg /mnt/floppy

f) If you need or must just modify the syslinux.cfg
   to fit your needs.
   It normally contains this:

   1. DISPLAY message.txt
   2. TIMEOUT 40
   3. PROMPT 1
   4. DEFAULT mulinuz
   5. APPEND root=/dev/hda1 ro

   The '/dev/hda1' in line 5 reflects the fact that I
   cloned to the first partition of the first hard disk
   (at home using an ugly IDE bus instead of SCSI).
   Please modify it as needed.

g) Unmount the floppy and reboot while leaving the floppy
   in the drive to use it as boot disk.

You will notice that this floppy boots extremely fast and
goes to your muLinux (that you cloned to the hard disk before)
without loosing any time.
This solution is *not* very smart (cause you still need a floppy)
but it is the most simple one I could imagine and: it works! :)

Have a nice day,


K.-H. Zimmer     *     Hamburg     *     Germany
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