Re: linux.html is a waste of space

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Tue Dec 28 1999 - 01:10:16 CET

On Mon, Dec 27, 1999 at 09:26:53PM +0000, Clive Wright nicely wrote:
> How's that for a Headline??
> I did not really want to be a journalist anyway.
> Seriously though "/home/httpd/linux.html (2258 bytes)" is taking up far
> too much space on the base floppy; space that could be used for better
> things (rewritten setup/fun tree perhaps, for all those who feel
> strongly about fractured english). Especially as in mu5r7 it was only
> 1379 bytes.

Don't worry about .html file in muLinux, Clive: this files are
all compress together and txt files compress very well.
Believe me, also if I'll remove totally linux.html, the difference
in size can't be appreciated. muLinux use single big compressed
archive, not single compressed package. This allow high performance
in compression.

I noticed the "Documentation" section is duplicated: no problem;
also 10-plicated bzip2 does a good work on it!

> So arm yourself with "vi" and "cd" over to /home/httpd/ or even better
> /tmp/tree/home/httpd for those who have unpacked the base files in the
> /tmp folder then:
> vi linux.html
> /suse
> 41dd
> :wq

What means that exactly? You are a SuSe fan?

> And there you have it a new leaner linux.html (minus all the duplicated
> links) weighing in at 1575 bytes. If only slimming was that easy.
> Oh and just in case all you stable version (6r4) users think that this
> does not apply to you. I suggest you take a look. {:^(

We have now a new metastable release: the 7r6.


I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't 
remember any. Would two negative ones do?       -- Woody Allen
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