Re: mu [setup] ppp

From: Vieira Netto ([email protected])
Date: Thu Dec 23 1999 - 10:57:13 CET

Hello World Of MuLinux!

Hi, Renato.

Renato escreveu:
> Ciao, caro Michele,
> I can talk to my USR 33.6 internal modem in /dev/ttyS1 using miterm.
> I can dial too using atdt. Well, I still have the garbage problem after login/password but I think I can fix using setserial.

This is not a real problem. It´s just ppp strings that miterm cant

> My problem is pppd. When I use ppp-on I get a page full or dots and no sound is heard.

No dialing tone and dialing??? No handshaking??? Check for modem
address in ppp config (/dev/modem). If miterm is dialing, ppp must dial
too. IMHO It´s a litlle trick.

> I tried setserial -b /dev/ttyS1 baud_rate 57600 but this doen't seem to afect the dead dialling.
> I can have also problems because my ISP gave a PPP family name. My login must be "renato ppp".
> This <space>ppp makes your script fell no good.
> I used "" and '' enclosing the 2 words to trick your script.
> The error message is gone but not the modem silence.
> I even tried a single name like renato but the modem isn't dialling anyway.
> Is there anything more I can do?
> I wish I can send you a Christmas e-card from muLinux. Next year, of course :^D
> Merry Christmas from OS/2, anyway.
> Renato
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> Roma locuta, causa finita.
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Ciao from Brazil,

[email protected]
Linux User #100.600

Microsoft??? Marca nova de papel Higiênico???

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