Re: upgrade path from 6r4 to 7r5?

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 12:55:06 CET

On Thu, Dec 16, 1999 at 02:24:15PM -0600, R. Venkateswaran nicely wrote:
> Michele/KHZ,
> I just want to know if I can do this without potential
> harm.
> 0) Rename existing Linux to Linux6.
> 1) I copy the mulinux-7r5.tgz, EXT.tgz, X11.tgz etc. to my
> HD (in DOS).

Create the directory c:\mulinux clean and copy in it this archives.

> 2) Create *only* the 7r5 BOOT+ROOT+USR floppy. (Can this be
> done from inside mulinux or do I need to use DOSTOOLS? )

Yes. muLinux support itself. Start your existing copy of muLinux,
mount the c:\mulinux hard-disk and go in this directory:

                # gzip -dc mulinux.tgz | tar -xf -
                # mu -i

Now, follow istructions and create your own new floppies.
This is the way Linux users install muLinux.

If you wish to upgrade only a single addon, issue (from muLinux):

                # setup -f X11

The system tell you "an existing X11 found. Do you wish to
upgrade?". Because you do that from an UMSDOS system, you in fact
are upgrading the X11 addon definitively!

This works for all addon, Ok. But you can't upgrade in this way
the base floppy, because you overwrite a running system too.
And also, new addons requires often new environment in BASE
floppy. You have to upgrade both. Remember: USR is also
consider an addon, starting from offset != 0.
Therefore, the only segment problematic is ROOT segment
This is NOT a tgz, but a zipped ext2fs image.

> 3) Boot mulinux with this newly created floppy and clone
> it.
> 4) Mount the DOS section containing the addon *.tgz files.
> 5) bzip2 | tar -xf- each of the *.tgz files, without
> creating the floppies.
> 6) Copy modified *.cnf files from Linux6.

Step 3-5 are substituted by addon's upgrading.
Do not copy /setup/cnf in this way: try to inspect what you have
really changed. If I added a new variable, will be lost

> Just a curiosity: Do I need to create floppies other than
> BOOT+ROOT+USR if I am going to clone the new 7r5 vresion
> anyway?

No: you can start cloning with only the BASE floppy. When
the new system is up, you can load the addons:

        # setup -f X11 etc...

But you must create the floppies first, or unpack manually
the new archives (not recommended).


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