RE: upgrade path from 6r4 to 7r5?

From: Karl-Heinz Zimmer ([email protected])
Date: Thu Dec 16 1999 - 21:44:44 CET

On 16.12.99, 21:24:15, venki (alias R. Venkateswaran) wrote:

> Michele/KHZ,

> I just want to know if I can do this without potential
> harm.

> 0) Rename existing Linux to Linux6.
> 1) I copy the mulinux-7r5.tgz, EXT.tgz, X11.tgz etc. to my
> HD (in DOS).
> 2) Create *only* the 7r5 BOOT+ROOT+USR floppy. (Can this be
> done from inside mulinux or do I need to use DOSTOOLS? )
> 3) Boot mulinux with this newly created floppy and clone
> it.
> 4) Mount the DOS section containing the addon *.tgz files.
> 5) bzip2 | tar -xf- each of the *.tgz files, without
> creating the floppies.
> 6) Copy modified *.cnf files from Linux6.

0) Ok.

1) Ok.

2) I suggest you use another Linux machine for this purpose
   or just do it in DOS.

3) Ok.

4) Ok.

5) Why not create the floppies?
   You will have to create ONE floppy at least (see step 2)
   so you could easily create them all...

6) Michele: Will this work?
   Did you chance the *.cnf between 6.4 and 7.5b?
   (I think you did, but I am not sure.)

> Just a curiosity: Do I need to create floppies other than
> BOOT+ROOT+USR if I am going to clone the new 7r5 vresion
> anyway?

No you don't because the others are AddOns not necessarily needed.
It might be that you need MODULES.tgz if you have hardware not
supported by disk #1 (eth, SCSI, ...).

Best regards,


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