Re: TCL add-on floppy, first edition

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Nov 24 1999 - 00:14:33 CET

On Mon, Nov 22, 1999 at 11:36:15PM -0700, Tom Poindexter nicely wrote:
> The TCL add-on floppy is ready for initial testing. There are still
> several tweaks to the programs that need to be done, but it is
> stable enough to turn loose on the world.

Your addon seems a free software exposition! This was a *MUST*,
at the century end.

I think many users will be impressed but the NeoWeb httpd server;
I like much maplot (very impressive) and math tools, but I can
understand the enormous work under tools as tkcon, tuba, vtcl,
tkpaint and others.

I can't comment games, sorry, because I don't like computer
games (excuse me, Tom: I know, you are a famous game's
developer and Linux guru!). Also: I wish to inform the list
that in TCL isn't rustic code, but good works from hundred
of people.

Also from a superficial view, this floppy shows what we can do
with a multi-purpose interpret and good scripting.
My heart weep, seeing my WIN98 laptop: Windows+Office+Netscape
about 1.1 Gbytes ... The partition is full. I plan to remove
Windows, and to mantain Office and Netscape :-)

I'm just navigating on your floppy: I created some xfm structure
and menu for access to TCL apps using mouse from X.

On the other hand, non visual tools, as uuencode and your sockspy,
aren't used, but referenced in your README.

Anycase, /usr/tcltk/bin is high level in PATH, the your "uniq"
is active, mounting TCL.

> Another wish: drop two of the three window managers, and add more fonts.

This is a your *old* request! My problems is: I forget what fonts
I removed 1-2 year past and, on the other hand, I cannot add all them.

Added also a link to your page on sunsite.
Tell me when you thing is better to put TCL on sunsite.


"I'd like to conclude with a positive statement, but I can't remember any.
 Would two negative ones do?"			-- Woody Allen
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