Re: comment about 'growing' mulinux

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Fri Nov 05 1999 - 01:09:50 CET

On Thu, Nov 04, 1999 at 08:41:56PM +0100, Christoph Belitz nicely wrote:
> Hello all,
> since I'm reading the mulinux-maillist I'm wondering why you are so
> discouraged to include a newer kernel into mulinux. Linux developes and
> goes on, and what is the sense of using a old-fashioned kernel in this
> fast-developing century? And of course, using older versions of for
> example the firewall is very unsafety...

Hello Crhistoph,
the question is disk space, but also:

        1) more RAM to run
        2) new binaries "route", "ifconfig", "ipchains", etc.

but disk space is the big one, for me.

Next: a 1.2.13, my first kernel, will be enough for a system like the
little muLinux!

> I really understand the problem of keeping the littleness of mulinux.
> But in my opion the problem with the need of more RAM can be solved
> easy:
> Use a swapfile and you can run almost every program!

muLinux support swap HD, swap files on premounted hard-disk and
also automatic swap creation. In spite of that, do not works on some
386 with low ram condition. The problem is the script nature of
setup process. Scripts call shell interpreter and requires much RAM.

We can rewrote all script in C, but I'm not interested in that:
low ram machines are rare, and C programs requires time to mantains.

> But I also have a problem with creating a swap-file on my harddisk,
> 'cause my scsi-disk isn't reachable.
> And it is unreachable,
> because I'm not able to use a scsi-kernel-module,
> and I can't use the EXT-Pack, which includes the scsi-support, because I
> don't have enough RAM, ...
> So please include kernel-support for all disk-systems, that the
> user is able to continue with a swap-file.

The treatment for this illness is a full -- and modern -- Linux
installation. muLinux is only a pocket system for curiosus about
UNIX scripting.


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 Would two negative ones do?"			-- Woody Allen
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