Re: [mu tech] Saving/Cloning to disk

From: Ripcrd6 ([email protected])
Date: Wed Sep 15 1999 - 17:40:04 CEST

I just ran the clone command from the menu and will shortly check to see if
the info made it to the \linux folder in dos.

-----Original Message-----

>I have just set up my 486 with a mostly configured setup. I don't want to
>do this again, so how do I save the setup to the disk? I also would like
>to save Mu to the HD. Do I do this from the command line or menu? The
>directions I found are not real clear.
>Any help would be appreciated as I would like to demo this at next months
>Linux User meeting and don't want egg on my face when I forget something.
>Brian Kelsay
>"My God, it's full of penguins!"

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