Re: muTECH

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Sep 15 1999 - 16:37:15 CEST

On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 10:28:45AM -0400, Doherty, Gord wrote:
> I am looking for a compiled version of the Intel Etherexpress 100 NIC driver
> (eepro100.o) to use with muLinux. I have tried compiling it from the source
> myself, but do not have a full GCC with all the header files necessary.
> Does anyone have such a thing ?
> Gordon Doherty.

eepro100.o module in the archive MODULES-36.tgz, but I do not know if
this archive is on sunsite, or in some mirror. Maybe, someone can
answer to this question.


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 Would two negative ones do?"			-- Woody Allen
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