Re: cloning mulinux

From: winsor ([email protected])
Date: Sat Jul 03 1999 - 17:24:33 CEST

It would seem (with a HDD install) that bash could be easily installed
and scripts requiring it "#!/bin/bash"??? I'll have to investigate that
>From another version of "small linux distribs" a copy of GCC could also
be added, as Mulinux is actually a full Linux(base)....with a zillion
scripts*grin* added for save space.
As I've said I use another small distrib to compile source code for
addition to Mulinux.
You may need to add various "libs" though.

Matthew W Miller wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Jul 1999, Karl Tipple wrote:
> ::>
> ::>
> ::>Mathew:
> ::>
> ::>Name's Karl - nice to meet.
> ####################
> Hello Karl, it is nice to meet you as well.
> ::>Use the 'clone' command on your mulinux floppy. It will let you either
> ::>clone it to a DOS partition or to a LINUX ext2 file partition.
> ######################
> I am assuming that requires I first create a working copy of muLinux for
> the floppy- correct? The reason I ask such a basic question is due to my
> intention of skipping past creating a floppy copy and persuing a direct
> install onto the hard drive. Admittedly, I have not yet opened my copies
> of the software, nor started to install it, and as such, am working on the
> documentation level (or theoretical level) at this time. I hope you can
> afford me some leeway, if any question I ask seems too basic.
> ::>I'm running mine on a 486DX 50 in a DR DOS 7.03 partition. Works fine -
> ::>though I've not tried the X11 GUI yet. DR DOS 7.03 is Caldera software's
> ::>answer to MS DOS 6.22. It costs MUCH less, is easier to install and
> ::>seems to run the DOS applications I've tried (including Borland Turbo C++
> ::> V. 3.0 compiler) without any problems.
> #####################
> I'm acquainted with Dr. DOS and do appreciate its value, however I am very
> interested in the prospect of running muLinux not only on the FAT32
> (perhaps even FAT16?) design, but also the ext2 file system. This would
> seem to infer that muLinux could comingle with traditional Linux GNU apps
> such as a fully capable version of gcc, or interoperate with other small
> distro's of linux such as robtrb (sp?). Once I begin the installation
> process, I will update you on my success, or downfalls, regarding X11. One
> thing I think I will miss on muLinux is not having a bash shell- all well,
> such is life.
> ::>
> ::>Where are you from, if I may ask??
> ####################
> Certainly you may ask, however, I do not have to tell ;)
> But for the record, I am hailing from Virginia in the U.S.
> Regards,
> Matthew
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