Re: [mu tech]

From: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jul 02 1999 - 16:57:27 CEST

On Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 10:16:29PM +0000, Michele Andreoli wrote:
> No. This is very far and requires a rewriting from scratch of
> muLinux. Any case, I'm pondering on that: to frozen the actual
> muLinux as mu386 and to start a new muLinux services-oriented,
> without rustic code. NT-workstation and NT-server !

I would think that for a server, 2.0.36 (or 2.0.37) would be
a better choice--it's far more proven, remarkably stable, and
quite secure...

So MuLinux would branch into Mu386 (the user version w/programs)
and MuServer (the server version)?

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