Re: mulinux-6r4.tgz un-tar problem?

From: Dave Houghton ([email protected])
Date: Thu Jul 01 1999 - 03:04:19 CEST

Andreas Laudwein wrote:

> "Jack N. Gallemore" wrote:
> >
> > Out of curiousity, which Netscape version are you using?
> >
> > Jack
> I'm using Netscape 4.5.
> Laudi

I use the same here (under windows 'cause I'm to tight to buy a non
windoze modem!) with no problems.

1. In Netscape single left click on the file you want to download brings
up a "Warning: Security .....hazard" notice. Select "save it to disk"
and O.K. Use the default file names and save to directory of your
choice. Repeat for all files you want to download. This ensures that
files are downloaded in binary form.

2. Unzip any way you want (winzip, pkzip etc) to the same
directory as your downloaded files. Most seem to be able to do this o.k
so :-

3. Don't open a Dos box and type install because it won't work. You
must be in real mode Dos. Do "START", "shutdown", "Restart in MsDos
mode". When you get your Dos prompt cd to your download directory and
then and only then do "install".

If I'm right I think that your problem is not that tar is not unpacking
your downloads but that loadlin the dos based linux loader will not work
in a windows protected msdos environment hence the need to restart in
real Dos mode.

I have used the above method since 4r? and have had no problems. I've
also just downloaded from and my own U.K. website to check
that they are not corrupted and both installed as above no problem.

Webmaster U.K. muLinux mirror.

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