mulinux-6r4.tgz un-tar problem?

From: David Lloyd ([email protected])
Date: Mon Jun 28 1999 - 23:07:10 CEST

Could someone please tell me why my mulinux-6r4.tgz file will not
un-tar? I have downloaded it via FTP from a Unix machine, from two
different Windows 95 machines (Netscape 4, right clicking on the file,
Save link as etc...) and from different servers. I appear to have all of
the file, but it won't un-tar. The install batch file from the dos utils
(which downloaded fine) will not work properly as a result as it will
not un-tar the file, and doing it manually dosn't work either.

 Am I doing somthing realy stupid or what?

- David Lloyd

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