Re: muLinux in a window

From: Gerhard Thimm ([email protected])
Date: Mon Jun 28 1999 - 09:14:24 CEST

Jose I Gracia schrieb:
> Is there any way I can modify the c:\linux\linux.bat properties so as to
> execute my muLinux in a window under W98?.

No! linux is a real operating-system, not just a tool or .exe-prgram.
There are a lot of differences between W98 and Linux. It is not possible
to emulate linux in W98. If it would, nobody had developed linux,
because in this case w98 could be used to work. But if you install a
full-linux, there are tools to run a W98 or NT in a Linux-Window.

Facit, linux will always wipe out w98 after start. the only thing to
avoid the dos-box is to make a desktop-link to linux.bat. so you can
start linux with double-klick. to return (from linux to w98) use init 6,
which reboots your machine.

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