Re: [mu ANNUNCE] VNC for muLinux!

From: Karl-Heinz Zimmer ([email protected])
Date: Sat May 15 1999 - 08:51:10 CEST

Am 14.05.1999, 23:58:45, schrieb Michele Andreoli:

> > a second german muLinux mirror
> > just went online.
> >
> > The URL is
> >

> Please, Karl-Heinz: this is the correct URL? It start with ftp://
> and end with html? That's ok?

Yes it is.

Didn't you try that URL? It works pretty good.

The reason for the somewhat confusing words is: that's a ftp server
containing normally binary data but of course one can also find some
..html files there that should be properly displayed by any (any?)



    "My God, it's full of confusing words!"
'Linux' - 'GNU/Linux'    'X Window' - 'X Windows'    'Windooze' - 
It's quite difficult today to speak correctly and avoid flame wars.  

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