Re: pppd

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed May 05 1999 - 01:41:13 CEST

On Tue, May 04, 1999 at 06:53:51PM +0100, Nick Gribble wrote:
> Michele
> Thanks - I've actually tried all that already but no luck. The modems don't
> actually say that they're win-modems but I guess maybe they are. Either way,
> I'm going to have to give up I think as I've tried all I can think of, which
> is a shame. I've even been into the bios and set the configuration manually
> but it doesn't make any difference. The probe seems to be finding the com
> ports 1&2 fine since they've got 16550s attached on the motherboard, but the
> ISA slots are another story altogether.
> BTW, I see from my installation that the version of muLinux I've got (which
> I downloaded only last week from to make sure it was the
> latest available) reports itself as being 2.0.36, but I see emails flashing
> around talking about version 2.4 and higher. Do I have the latest version?
> If not, where IS the main site now - did you go to Sun?
> Nick Gribble
> [email protected]

Main site is:


and current release is 5r7.
The only available tool in Linux work for serial setup is setserial;
there is in muLinux.

>From manual or other OS report, can't you find other info about serial
model, irq, etc?

What mean: "don't work"? What kind of test you done?


Mi sarebbe piaciuto concludere con un'affermazione positiva, ma
non me ne vengono in mente. Vanno bene due negative?
                                                -- Woody Allen

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