From: Karl-Heinz Zimmer ([email protected])
Date: Thu Apr 29 1999 - 00:48:48 CEST
Am 28.04.1999, 23:55:23, schrieb Nicola Ambrosetti:
> Scusa, aggiungo solo che se sei (come sei, no ?) cittadino della
> di Pisa, il sito della Rete Civica Unitaria della provincia mette a
> disposizione i suoi server, come scritto a:
> civica
> Non credo che la cosa sia strettamente solo per un'associazione o un
> prova via e-mail.
Hi Michele,
what about that idea ?
Is it really possible to get a place there ?
Perhaps this would be a nice plan: you set up a nice little homepage
there in Pisa and Esben fetches the data per mirror from there ?
The Pisa place would appear officially a a mirror even when it
technically were the starting point.
1. advantage: people would FIRST go to Aalborg and cause
the net-traffic primarily there on that fast machine.
2. advantage: for you it would be simple to update the
muLinux data because of the very near place.
At my opinion it is not very important if you can access the Aalborg
Server directly: the most important thing i see is that it should be
always up-to-date and that could be accomplished by some mirror script
as well! ??
Good night,
Karl-Heinz (privat unterwegs)
-- 1. Braunschweiger Linux-Tage: 07. - 09. Mai '99 "My God, it's full of penguins!"
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