Re: Web site hosting offer

From: sime1brt ([email protected])
Date: Wed Apr 28 1999 - 13:26:43 CEST

At 20.50 27/04/99 +0000, Michele Andreoli wrote:
> ............
>I apologize for that. In Germany/Deutchland ISDN connection are normal;
>in Italy we still got some kind of analogic primitive technology,
>and I cannot understand why Deutch Telekom want to buy Italian Telecom.

        Somebody has to be payed to make ISDN connections in Italy too....
We're still like a "Virgin territory": lots of industries can make money in
Italy, becouse in some aspects (telecommunications....) we are still in
Middle Age... :(((

" E' meglio tenere la bocca chiusa e lasciar pensare che sei uno
scemo, piuttosto che aprirla e togliere ogni dubbio. "

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