Re: Web site hosting offer

From: Karl-Heinz Zimmer ([email protected])
Date: Tue Apr 27 1999 - 21:48:41 CEST

Hi Esben,

am 27.04.1999, 21:30:32, schriebst Du:

> >>>>> "Karl-Heinz" == Karl-Heinz Zimmer <[email protected]> writes:

> Karl-Heinz> Hope to hear more about Aalborg soon!

> Hey! You are really doing some homework.

> Today we had the best warm sunshine day in Aalborg, so now you
> have heard some more ;-)

     Oops, it seems as if the Danish people
     are even more humorous that we germans! :-))

I informed my comrade at Technische Universitaet Berlin about the fine
Aalborg Homepage to be expected soon and we all are very happy about
that offer of yours!

Besides: sorry, i am NOT doing homework at all but sitting here in the
bureau and trying to make StarOffice even better ;-) for having
something to be proud of when our next release will come out...

If you ever should consider to travel to germany it might be a good
idea to make a stop here in Hamburg and have a look at our nice little
Sun machines!? Of course they are not the size of your Giant but we
like them nevertheless. :-)



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