Re: [mu PROGRESS] sniffit for muLinux

From: Matteo Marchelli ([email protected])
Date: Mon Apr 12 1999 - 19:47:47 CEST

At 14.49 12/04/99 +0000, you wrote:

>This "sniffit" binary is about 30k.
>LO VOLETE VOI? Do you want "sniffit"?

Yes, why not? Netcat too can be a dangerous tool for the who use the "dark side of the power"! 8)
But, in the right hands, it can do the difference!! 8))

Si, perche' no? Anche netcat puo' essere un tool pericoloso per chi usa il "lato oscuro della forza"! 8)
Ma nelle mani giuste, puo' fare la differenza!! 8))



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