RE: mu SETUP Xfree

From: Johannes Niess ([email protected])
Date: Wed Apr 07 1999 - 18:19:46 CEST

At 10:05 AM 4/7/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Thanks for the tip, I think I've spotted the error, but I don't know how to
>fix it. I believe I'm using a chips & technologies chipset (in a 586
>chicony laptop with 8mb ram and 500M HD) and the startx.log file says
>VGA16 chipset generic
>VGA16 videoram: 256 (using 256k)
>VGA16 clocks 28.46 28.32 28.48 28.31
>VGA16 Maximum allowed dot-clock: 90:000 MHz
>VGA16 There is no defined dot-clock matching mode "640x480"
>VGA16 Removing mode "640x480" from list of valid modes.
>VGA16 There is no mode definition named "800X600"

I use an old toshiba laptop and got clocks in the same, lower than VGA
range. I use:
Modeline "640x480" 28.03 640 688 896 976 480 483 499 532
in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86config.
Try my modeline or play with and post your working
modeline for inclusion in the next version.

Johannes Niess

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