[mu TECH] Dialup

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed Mar 31 1999 - 20:23:44 CEST


I've got a problem with my Dial-Up account. I am some kind of
newbie in Linux world, so I couldn't set it correctly up. First of all, I
entered "setup -f ppp". When it said "Enter IP address
local_ip:remote_ip", I didn't know the right answer. I use the server
assigned IP address.

Win95 says:

Host information
        Host name: DEFAULT
        DNS Servers: 194.106.???.5
        Node Type: Broadcast
PPP Adapter
        Adapter Address: 194.106.???.137
        Default Gateway: 194.106.???.137

Could anyone help?

Best Regards,
Kalev Lember.	

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