From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Tue Mar 30 1999 - 19:33:04 CEST
I apoligize for that, but "/bin/clone" in v5.1 has a bug: UMSDOS
filesystem is created correctly, but files containing DOS paths
(like "linux.bat") don't work.
Why? In linux.bat you can see this row:
varloadlinloadlin @loadlin.cfg
but it would be:
var\loadlin\loadlin @loadlin.cfg
LINUX users know this subtle problem! Shell interpreter leave intact
the "/" character (path separator in UNIX) , but translate "\l" as "l" !!!
This happens when (in new /bin/clone version) I, stupidly, wrote:
Anycase, all task not-involving this command (like muLinux first-time
installation, etc) are not touched by this disaster.
Ok, I'm going to remove this archive (mulinux-5r1.tgz), replacing them
with 5r2. Furthmore, in order to you would forgive me, I'm going
to put an update52.tgz in my MISC section.
This "patch" contains, also, a more robust "setup swap", with
consistency check.
IF [ language=="it" ]; then
Ci ho messo piu' a scrivere questa email che a creare il baco.
Cosa ci posso fare se nel mio liceo si insegnava solo il francese?
echo Done.
-- Mi sarebbe piaciuto concludere con un'affermazione positiva, ma non me ne vengono in mente. Vanno bene due negative? -- Woody Allen
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