From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Fri Mar 26 1999 - 21:30:44 CET
>From README.change
Version 5r0 "Benigni"
o direct DOS->UMSDOS installation capability
o DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration (setup eth)
o hdparm (rustic C) and "setup standby"
o SoundBlaster on IRQ5 (definitively)
o added console beeper support to "wave" (-c switch)
o ddsbasic, basic interpreter (GCC)
o wm2 window manager #3 (X11)
o LD_LIBRARY_PATH for fdformat binary (mu script)
o new programmable pager "muless"
o printf (rustic C) and awk (nawk)
o a better "ps" with printf
o rustic (awk) "sort" command
o rustic (awk) "tail" command
o rustic (awk) "uniq" command
o rustic (awk) "pr" command
o fixed bug in "tee" (spurious log on stderr)
o fixed bug in "date" (spurious new-line)
o changes to and fetchmail
o Cc: and multi-address support for sendmail
o new "help", new "info" (with muless)
o Pion: muLinux File Manager (with muless)
o Rustic suck ( usenet newsfeed
o RNA v0.2 News&Mail Reader (muless based)
o Mon: resource monitor (muless based,beta)
o wd and smc-ultra ethernet card modules
o small-lynx (only HTTP and MAIL support)
o new man-pages with color support (GCC)
o small bug in gccconfig fixed (GCC)
What you have to download:
- Don't download older DOS installer work fine with 5.0.
- GCC is not changed: only new manpages and an inexential bug fixed
in gccconfig.
- X11 changed: wm2 window manager
My main effort has been: muless and related mini-apps. RNA is, now,
a very complex script. Many bugs & malfunctions expected. But I can't
to test everything by myself. "suck" is ok.
My affliction is lynx: small lynx (260k) is very poor, compared to his
size: only outgoing HTTP and MAIL support. No directory browsing, no ftp.
Quark is temporarily removed: I whish to rewrite them with muless, in
the future, enhancing the "tag stripping" process in some way.
Work is not finished: the new KB's free in floppy #1 should be filled
with new ideas.
ncftp? syslog ? /bin/login+passwd ? in.rlogind ?
But I wan't put in muLinux binaries without some attempt of slim them;
this requires a lot of time!
In particular, with the `awk` accession, many new powerful scripts could be
implemented: can anyone to contribute? (Manzini!) A desktop calculator
like `bc '?
<ITALIAN alt="mediterranean brothers">
Dicevo che la maggior parte delle novita' sono concentrate nell'archivio
mulinux-5r0.tgz, per cui non occorre, in linea di principio, scaricare
gli altri. Tutto lo sforzo e' stato concentrato sulla scrittura/riscrittura
di piccole applicazioni con la nuova interfaccia programmabile muless.
Tenete presente che sono comunque in uno stato provvisorio e che
potranno essere ampliate e migliorate in seguito. Provate:
- RNA - pion - info - help - mon
In particolare, "mon" (resource monitor) non e' completato: aspetto
altre idee su cosa sia possibile monitorare in Linux con semplici scripts.
C'e' "parecchio" spazio ora, sul floppy: ma non voglio riempirlo a casaccio.
Prima voglio provare a ridurre i binari corrispondenti, a misura di
mulinux (cioe' sotto i 20k). Chi conosce un po' Linux, sa di cosa muLinux
gravemente abbisogna; bastano i nomi:
/bin/login, passwd, syslogd, ...
per evocare il dramma? :)))
il vostro affezionato Michele.
-- Mi sarebbe piaciuto concludere con un'affermazione positiva, ma non me ne vengono in mente. Vanno bene due negative? -- Woody Allen
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