Re: mu TECH

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Thu Mar 25 1999 - 19:54:17 CET

On Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 10:53:28AM -0500, Doherty, Gord wrote:
> I have muLinux up and running very well. However, I ran into a problem with
> an application which requires "multibuffering" in X. I have searched the
> Web, and have found that version R6.3 of X supports double buffering as an
> extension, but no much information on how to implement it. I have two
> questions:
> 1) Is the version of X in muLinux based on X11R6.3 ?
> 2) How do I implement "double-buffering" ?
> Gordon Doherty.

muLinux X is based on X11R^(-6) :)))
Really: this is a older X (Xfree 3.1) and we cannot
expect too much.


Mi sarebbe piaciuto concludere con un'affermazione positiva, ma
non me ne vengono in mente. Vanno bene due negative?
						-- Woody Allen

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