From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 15 1999 - 20:03:38 CET
Hello Joe.
On Mon, Mar 15, 1999 at 11:39:12AM -0600, Joe Kerman - JVLNET Sys Adm wrote:
> How would i go about getting an IP address from a DHCP server?
> and
> Where is the config file stored?
Current muLinux versions don't support DHCP. Why? My ignorance. I can
put on the floppy anything I can test, not blindly. I never done experience
with dhcp, but I can read DHCP mini-HOWTO, check binaries requirement, etc.
If you are a Linux user and you needn't stand upon ceremony with DHPC
(or there is one, on the ML) send me relevant info on the subject.
-- Mi sarebbe piaciuto concludere con un'affermazione positiva, ma non me ne vengono in mente. Vanno bene due negative? -- Woody Allen
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