Re: [mu SETUP] kernel patch?

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 15 1999 - 10:47:52 CET

On Sun, Mar 14, 1999 at 06:03:26PM -0500, Jeremy D. Impson wrote:
> In the changelog for version 3r0, there is a mention of a kernel patch.
> I need to rebuild my kernel, and I'd like to keep it as close to the
> shipping mulinux kernel as possible. I didn't find the patch on the
> website anywhere.

Edit the file /usr/src/linux/init/main.c and locate this segment:

        #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD
        root_mountflags = real_root_mountflags;
----> mount_initrd=1;

I have added the row pointed with ---->.
This trick force the kernel to execute /linuxrc script before of mount
the real root filesystem. Any case, this patch is required only for
RAM muLinux. If you plan to use an UMSDOS/EXT2 muLinux, you don't need

> Also, would it be possible to ship the .config file with the distro?

Look at doc/kernel.txt (docs section of main archive)

-Michele (a male name)

Mi sarebbe piaciuto concludere con un'affermazione positiva, ma
non me ne vengono in mente. Vanno bene due negative?
						-- Woody Allen

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