Re: [[mu SETUP] x11.tgz]

From: [email protected]
Date: Sat Mar 13 1999 - 07:41:30 CET

Yes, that's the correct size. I downloaded it, and it installed fine. I believe it's not an actual gzipped file, but actually a bzipped one; which may explain your problem. See "INSTALL.Linux". Hope this helps. Tony.

Nicola Ambrosetti <[email protected]> wrote:
 I tried (twice) to download x11.tgz but (twice) the file resulted corrupted.

 The most curious fact is that the file size is the same the two times:
    1.722.592 bytes. Is that the correct size ?

 I noticed that in the installation process a message appears saying "GOODS
floppies": I think you must say "GOOD floppies" without S.

 Nevertheless, I know my english is not too perfect, so I hope you
understand me & please correct me!

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