[mu TECH] [mu SETUP] Laptop lockups

From: Johannes Niess ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 08 1999 - 20:47:45 CET


I like mulinux on my old Toshiba T1850 laptop (386SX25, 8MB RAM). The
installation was free of trouble and a previous full linux installation was
running forever without problems. With mulinux the laptop freezes after
some time (ca. 10 minutes). I can not reproduce the error, but I suspect
swap and serial. The lockups always occured at the command line and no
programm running. I have limited capabilities to telnet into the laptop,
so I did not try it.

The PS2 mouse is not working with systest.

Is this the first computer incompatible with mulinux or do I need some
Thanks in advance

Johannes Niess

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