Re: [[email protected]: FAQ] Call for translation

From: Karl-Heinz Zimmer ([email protected])
Date: Mon Feb 22 1999 - 09:26:30 CET

Am 21.02.1999, 22:46:05, schrieb Michele Andreoli:

> Please, anyone can translate from spanish this messages?

Hi Michele,

i will do my best: ;-)

> Hola:


> estoy intentando usar mulinux y tengo problemas:

  i am trying to use mulinux and i have got problems:

> -samba: ¿qué ficheros de configuración usa ?

  -samba: What configuration files does it use ?

> ¿donde está el equivalente a smb.conf ?

          Where is the equivalent to smb.conf ?

> ¿ qué ficheros lo arrancan ( nmbd, smbd ... ) ?
          What files do start it ( nmbd, smbd ... ) ?

> ¿ cómo se exportan discos a otra máquina funcionando
> en win95 o NT ?

          How can i EXPORT volumes [harddisks, CDs-Drives ...]
          to other PCs running win95 or NT ?

> ¿ cómo leo discos de otra máquina funcionando
> con win95 o NT ?

          How can i READ volumes [harddisks, CDs-Drives ...]
          of other PCs running win95 or NT ?

> He conseguido DOS VECES ( no se por que )
> montar un disco de Win95 así :

  I found TWO WAYS (i don't know why)
  to mount a Win95-volums:

> smbmount //host486/c_486 /c_586 -I host486 -n

        smbmount //host486/c_486 /c_586 -I host486 -n

> ¿ Por qué sólo funciona a veces ?

  Why does if only work [when started] that way ?

> ¡ casi nada, ¿ eh ? ¿ No decías que nadie pregunta :-) ?

  Almost nothing [vole dire: the fact is not important], eh ?
                         Don't tell me that nobody asked for it :-)

It seems to me as if he complains that smbmounting of Win95 partitions
is only possible with parameter /c_486 or /c_586 . Seems as if
he wants to use a 386 for that purpose.

Hope this helps,


Karl-Heinz Zimmer    *    Hamburg    *    Germany
(private posting)
post scriptum: scusate la povera traduzione 
               - il mio spagnolo è molto debole.

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