Re: elvis macros

From: Andrea Manzini ([email protected])
Date: Sat Feb 13 1999 - 14:00:04 CET

While I was sleeping, Massimo Pilolli wrote:

> > I'd solve it more simply with "tr -d \r" :-)
> >
> Now I understand what my system administrator meant
> when he said: "Mmm... I'm sure there is a much easier way
> to do this, but - unfortunately - I don't know how..."

!!!!! =:-O
what kind of sysadmin do you have ????
> Is "tr -d \r" a standard Unix command? What does exactly mean
> the "tr" basic command, the "-d" option and the final "\r"?

man tr

   Andrea Manzini    | Scusami, ma se era uno scherzo sappi che non mi è
[email protected] | piaciuto. Almeno mettici una faccina, no ?

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