Re: [[email protected]: FAT32]

From: sime1brt ([email protected])
Date: Fri Feb 12 1999 - 14:35:28 CET

At 19.38 11/02/99 +0000, you wrote:
>The first muLinux-based floppy-linux announcement!
>----- Forwarded message from RICHARD GIROUX <[email protected]> --
>From: "RICHARD GIROUX" <[email protected]>
>To: [email protected]
>Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 08:16:56 PST
>Subject: FAT32

>All setups and configurations will be simular to Win95.

        Oh my GOD!!! Will it have the same Win problems?!?! :))

        I'm scared when i hear somebody sayng "... like win..."!!!! I'm counting
hours for ESCAPEING from WinNightmare, and there's still someone who wants
to put Win in Linux.... :(

(Just jokeing....) :D

" Non raccontate mai niente a nessuno.
   Se lo fate, finisce che sentite la mancanza di tutti. "
                          (J.D. Salinger - "Il giovane Holden")

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