Re: [mu ANNOUNCE] Release 3.2

From: salva ([email protected])
Date: Tue Jan 26 1999 - 21:12:28 CET

Michele Andreoli <[email protected]> writes:

> On Mon, Jan 25, 1999 at 08:42:34PM +0100, sime1brt wrote:
> > >
> > >I upload (carelessly) muLinux 3.2 release on main server:
> > Mich�, cosa faccio, la scarico? NON per mancanza di volont�, ma ho da poco
> > finito di scaricare la 3.1, e il telefono....
> >
> NON la scaricare. E' per i nuovi utenti.
> Michele

--- OT ---

Ora capisco come sei arrivato alla 3.2 ;)
Ogni volta che joina un nuovo utente alla ML....
Fai una nuova relase....
Cambiando due righe a caso nel setup :)
Cos� ti fai vedere attivo :D


By the way: kernel 2.2 is out, but I think that it'd be too big for
muLinux... (I think that it won't compile with libc5): shall we stop
to 2.0.36?

Another question.....
How large is our grep? I've heard that the creator of Traveller Linux
has written a 6k one...

Another thing.....
It'd be possible......
(it's not a joke).....
To implement vocal transmission in muLinux....
The Gnumeeting project is going on....
And i think that binaries would not be too large when they will be
As sound card support is already here...
It'd not be too difficult.....
And it'd be a grat thing!!!!!

Another thing.......

I heard that michele has made Afterstep to fit in the X disk (I'm
still trying to guess HOW!), it'd not be possible to trow the
Afterstep out of the window and do it with WindowMaker, that is
not too big (not much more than Afterstep), and is a lot more
beautiful and easy to use for new users (I know that muLinux users
have not to add apps at the Wharf every day, but anyway... :)
I'm not referring to the last 50.2 release (that I think it'd be no
less than 3 MB), but one of the old...
If not WindowMaker, at least one of the BlackBox or ICEWm: I hate
Aftersetp ^_^;;

- After have said all this crazy things, salva is guessing how the
  same things that are on muLinux in 2.88 mb (2 disks) on his HD use
  more or less 1.5 GB :D



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