From: sime1brt ([email protected])
Date: Wed Jan 20 1999 - 20:11:44 CET
At 18.45 19/01/99 GMT, you wrote:
>On 19.01.1999, 19:29:29 Mimmo wrote:
>> Una cosa che butto lì così: dato che, per quanto credo,
>> non ci siano dei costi "materiali" da sostenere, non sarebbe
>> utile una mailing list parallela per chi non capisce una mazza
>> di italiano?
>> Sia "noi" che "loro" eviteremmo di pensare "che cazzo stanno
>> dicendo quelli?"! E poi, dài, ormai si può cominciare a pensare
>> "in grande" a muLinux... :))
>Here is an alternate proposal: why not simply try to communicate in
>english here? Could it really be so difficult?
It's a good idea, but i don't know if anybody on this list is able
the speak/write english... I'M NOT RACIST!!! I was thinking about something
like two parallel lists, with somoebody "in the half" (Michele or somebody
else, 'couse Michele MUST just think about workin' on next version... ;D)
that takes the most interesting messages and "crossports" them in the other
My only idea was to made thins easier for anyone... There were (are)
lots of messages of folks writing "hey, why don't you write in english", and
maybe other guys thinking "che cavolo stanno dicendo?"
It's ok for me going on with this list and trying to write both
italian and english!!! :)
>We are talking about Linux and for the most of the time we are using
>specific words having something to do with Linux or with Hardware.
>I think, most of us are able to communicate in some kind of english
>and so we would avoid two different lists (with the problem of having
>some questions two times)
I'm on your side!!!!
" Smettere di fumare è facilissimo:
ci sono riuscito un miliione di volte "
(Mark Twain)
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